Month: October 2023

Place Value and Decimal Numbers

This week in Maths we are revisiting place value, to help with our decimal numbers.  A decimal number is any number that has a decimal point in it.  This week we practiced how to read the digits. and how to read the value of a number.  We had 3 tasks this week.  Our first task was to order decimal numbers, the second was to show numbers in different forms.  Our last task was a worksheet that combined these two things.  I did well at staying on task and being focused.  Here is my work.

Copyright and Attribution

This term for cybersmart we are focusing on smart media today we learnt  what copyright is and what it means for the media we use in our learning and creating first we discussed the idea of copyright and ownership with mr goodwin and miss telea next we watched a video then mr goodwin showed us our task lastly we had to find our own examples of media online here is my work:

How to Make a Google Form

This term our inquiry topic is Enterprise.  In week 8 of this term Panmure Bridge School will be having a school gala day.  At the gala each class will be selling diffevent products.  Our task this week was to create a Google Form to see what kind of products our customers would buy this will help us in the design process.

Here is how you can make a Google Form.